Schoolfrenz - Photos (Bill Quay)


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Photos (Bill Quay)

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Bill Quay

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Several scenes in Schoolfrenz take place in Bill Quay, Gateshead, particularly at the (fictionally named) Bricklayers Arms. (See also the Wikipedia entry on Bill Quay)

This is how Bill Quay is described at the beginning of Chapter 7

The Bricklayers Arms in Reay Street, Bill Quay lies close to the south bank of the River Tyne. Originally known as the Bottle House Tavern, it was built in the mid-nineteenth century and was then frequented by the workers of a busy chemical industry who lived in the surrounding terraces. The terraces were known as Bottlehouses named, like the tavern, after the nearby bottle works. The demise of the local glass making industry began in 1863 when the British Parliament passed the first of several Alkali Acts, the first modern air pollution legislation. The Leblanc process used in the manufacture of soda ash from common salt, vented hydrochloric gas into the atmosphere and produced solid waste having no economic value. Within 30 years, the more efficient and environmentally friendly Solvay process saw the Bill Quay industrialists shift the emphasis from glass to shipbuilding that had been growing rapidly. For years thereafter, Bill Quay was the hub of the Gateshead area shipbuilding industry, specialising in smaller coastal craft and the fitting out of larger craft. Now the area was depressed; the Bottlehouses and major industry long gone. While other Tyneside areas have regenerated, all that remains in Bill Quay are a few smaller quayside businesses and the ruins of earlier economic wealth.
Bard had been recalling this information during his observation of Dumbo’s habits. The landlord of the Bricklayers Arms had communicated such boring facts during Bard’s recent investigative visits to the pub. The landlord regarded himself as an amateur historian and made frequent references to the sepia-framed photographs hanging on the smoke-tarnished walls of the public bar.

 Page References in Schoolfrenz with accompanying photographs
(June 13, 2004)

p59 - The "Bricklayers Arms"  B01
p59 - The Terraces  B02
p59 - Quayside businesses and ruins  B03 B04 B05
p60 - Rough sward  B06
p63 - Keelmans Way  B07

p63 - Start of footpath  B08
p63 - Old Industrial units  B09  B10
p63 - Commercial dock  B11  B12
p64 - Murder scene  B13